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Europäische Union
Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung
www.efre.brandenburg.deeu Logo

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    For Patients

    ECG (=Electrocardiogram) is one of the standard diagnostic procedures of the heart and is performed by almost all of the Patients.

    It registers the electrical activity of the heart muscle and it changes on the surface of the chest skin. The graphical picture of this process allows the detection of the heart rhythm disorders and some of the diseases.

    Holter-ECG or 24-hours-ECG
    A Holter-ECG is a portable device for continuous, 24 hours monitoring of the electrical activity of the heart during everyday life of the Patient. All of the information are being electronically registered in the device. The Patient becomes ECG-electrodes connected with the little device, that is being carried by the Patient for the whole time. The Patient goes with this device home and brings it back to our Practice on the next day. Using a special computer all of the data is being read and evaluated. All of the possible heart rhythm disorders will be detected. For the comparison, the Patient should note the time of appearance of subjective symptoms (palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc.)

    Ergometry = Stress-ECG
    During Stress ECG the Patient rides a special exercise bicycle and becomes the ECG and continuous blood pressure measurement at the same time. Every two minutes the level of exercise is being raised until the upper heart beat is reached or the Patient is physically exhausted. Thanks to this examination the physical exercise capacity, cardiac perfusion and arrhythmias can be evaluated.

    Echocardiography, ultrasonic examination of the heart
    Performing this examination we can evaluate the features and function of the heart. Using ultrasonic waves the picture of the organ is being shown on the monitor. This examination is used for evaluation of heart function disorders, indirectly to evaluate the heart perfusion as well as the presence of congenital and acquired heart failures. During this examination there is no harmful X-ray exposition.

    Stress-Echocardiography is a combination of ultrasound examination of the heart and ergometry. The heart function is evaluated during rest as well as during the work out. In case of circulatory disorders of the heart due to constrictions of the coronary arteries (stenosis) comes to wall movement disorders of the particular part of the muscle, which can be seen during the examination. This can be one of the symptoms of coronary heart disease.

    Heart catheter examination
    Is carried out if coronary heart disease or heart attack are suspected. The examination starts with a puncture of radial artery (upper extremity) or femoral artery (lower extremity) under local anesthesia. A thin guide wire is inserted into the vessel. The heart catheter is lead to the heart along this guide wire and contrast agent is injected into the coronary arteries. This way constrictions and obstructions in the coronary arteries can be detected. The entire examination is carried out under X-ray image control.

    If there is a constriction or obstruction in the one of the coronary arteries, it can be treated immediately through balloon dilatation or implantation of vascular supports such as stents.

    This procedure does not require general anesthesia. Except of the puncture of the vessel of the upper or lower extremity, the examination is fully painless.

    In order to make your hospital stay as short as possible, all of the preparation connected to the examination will be carried out in our Practice. Doctor Kurek performs the procedure in the hospital by himself. Usually the Patients stay only one night at the hospital. The evaluation of the results takes place immediately after the examination or in our Practice the next day.

    Pacemakers and defibrillators control
    A heart pacemakers is a little device, implanted under the Patient’s skin for monitoring of the heart rhythm. In case of pauses or dangerous decrease of the heart rate it sends electrical impulses and takes over the heart rhythm.

    A defibrillator can additionally stop dangerous, quick heart arrhythmias due to electrical impulse.

    Both of the devices are very important for the well-being of the Patients who have them and therefore need to be regularly controlled.

    The setting and programming of the pacemaker is painless.

    Ambulatory implantations of pacemakers and their replacement in case of low battery

    Also our Practice performs implantation of pacemakers (in some cases also defibrillators) and exchange of the device in case of low battery. All of the procedures are carried out under in cooperation with the Surgery Practice “Praxis am Goethepark” ( In this case a stationary stay at the hospital is not necessary.

    The implantation of eventrecorders for the long term evaluation of the heart rhythm and in case of unclear unconsciousness can, if accepted from your health insurance, also be done by us.

    Additional examinations for athletes: Sportsmen, especially beginners, athletes starting intensive training after a long pause and eldery people,

    have a high risk of cardiovascular diseases. Especially the ones with unrecognized cardiovascular disease have a high risk of sudden heart failure during intensive training. If you train intensive or you would like to start again, we offer our advice and performance of additional examination. According to sports medicine the additional examinations should be carried out after the 35 year of life.

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