Welcome to our Outpatient Heart Center
It is an Internal Medicine – Cardiology Practice. It is localized in the heart of town of Cottbus. It has been remodeled and fully modernized in 2013. Both of the Physicians, Dr. med. Kai Blembel as well as Dr. med. Christian Kurek are specialists of Internal Medicine and Cardiology.
Moreover, our Practice employs three doctor’s assistants, one secretary and two apprentices.
You can get an appointment in our Practice under
Please, write us the reason of your visit (as on the general practitioner’s referral) and the type of examinations that are wished to be done by You. In case of emergency we wish your general practitioner/family doctor to contact us.
Yours sincerely
Dr. med. Kai Blembel Dr med. Christian Kurek
How to reach our practice:
Outpatient Heart Center
Cardiological group practice Dr. Kai Blembel & Dr. Christian Kurek
Bahnhofstrasse 64
03046 Cottbus
Phone: +49 355 - 79 14 90
Fax: +49 355 - 38 18 915